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Order Next Year’s Christmas Cards NOW!!

This year I used Stampin’ Up’s Holly Jolly Greetings Simply Sent Kit for our Christmas cards.  Order these cards NOW,
and then read my story below!  They are a great deal and are only on
sale until January 5th or until supplies last.  At this price, they
won’t last long, so ORDER YOURS TODAY and put them in a safe place for next year.

Each kit is marked down from $14.95 to $5.99 and includes materials
for 12 holiday photo cards.  The pre-printed cards have die-cut photo
notches, note cards for a handwritten or printed message, and closure
stickers. The finished card size: 5″ x 7″.  The card folds closed to
create its own envelope.  The note cards say “2013” on them, but don’t
despair!  I will show you how I easily disguised the date and made the
note card look even cuter!

I really need to make my family Christmas cards in July.  Once fall
arrives, I have NO TIME to make cards for anyone other than
clients.  For that, I am very grateful.  However, I wouldn’t be able to
live with myself if I mailed store-bought Christmas cards.  NEVER EVER
would I or could I do that.

This year was especially hectic because of our trip to NJ for Thanksgiving.  (Read more about that and see decorations HERE.) 
Luckily, we had a photographer at the Thanksgiving party to snap candid
photos of the day’s events.  As luck would have it, the fire hall had
a lovely red wooden shed that looks just like a barn.  Since the four
of us were together, we grabbed the photographer and sneaked out for a
family photo.  Sometimes all of the stars align and we get a great
photo.  Luckily, that happened this year!

Not only was I thrilled that we were able to get a great photo, but I
was even more thrilled when I took a look at Stampin’ Up’s year-end
close-out clearance blitz and found the PERFECT pre-made Christmas
cards.  The color scheme of the cards coincidentally matched our
Christmas photo perfectly.  I love when things like that happen.

Just slip your 4 x 6 vertical photo into the pre-cut photo corners.  Fold the card and it becomes its own envelope.

It doesn’t matter that the note card says Best of 2013.  Just cover
it up with matching washi tape!  I used the included envelope seals on
top of the washi tape for double-coverage.

Since I used the envelope seals as part of the note card, I purchased
labels that were really heavy-duty to seal the envelopes.  We mail
several cards to Canada each year, and I wanted to be sure that the
cards were tightly sealed.

If you purchase these cards now, you can plan your outfits,
location, and photo orientation for you 2015 Christmas card.  Or hire to make your cards for you!  Just email !!

Happy New Year!!

 (this post first appeared on’s Paper Clips)

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