Decorative Three-Ring Binder

Decorative Three-Ring Binder If you are anything like me, you have a million different things going on at the same time.  I have a pile a mile high of notes in about twenty different notebooks…no kidding.  I decided to condense everything into one three-ring binder to keep in my purse […]

decorative three ring binder stampin up

paper pumpkin kits are perfect for kids

Paper Pumpkin Kits Are Perfect For Kids!

Paper Pumpkin Kits Are Perfect For Kids! Did you know that Paper Pumpkin Kits are perfect for kids?  I wanted to see just how easy and convenient Stampin’ Up!’s Paper Pumpkin Kits really are, so I put the March 2016 Paper Pumpkin Kit to the test.  I enlisted my six-year-old nephew […]

Sprinkles of Life Stamp Set

Sprinkles of Life Stamp Set I’m so thrilled that Stampin’ Up!’s Sprinkles of Life Stamp Set will NOT be retiring at the end of the catalog order period on May 31st.  Woo hoo!  That means we all get at least another year to create cards and projects with the deliciously delightful […]

sprinkles of life stamp set stampin up

diy business note cards

DIY Business Note Cards

DIY Business Note Cards Did you know that Stampin’ Up! offers the perfect products for you to create DIY business note cards?  I created these business note cards for a charity that my daughter founded when she was sixteen years old called Cosmetics for a Cause.  She needed some cute […]

Love Blossoms Wedding Cards

Love Blossoms Wedding Cards Wedding season is upon us!  We have already attended one wedding and we have three more so far to attend this year.  That means three more wedding showers, too.  That’s a lot of cards!  I made two different wedding cards using Stampin’ Up!’s Love Blossoms Designer […]

love blossoms wedding cards

stampin up retiring list 2016

Retiring List and a Quick Product Tip Video

Retiring List | Quick Product Tip Video Today I’d like to share with you the retiring list and a quick product tip video. It’s always a bitter-sweet day for me when Stampin’ Up! publishes the list of retiring products from its current annual catalog.  I don’t like change and I […]

My Top 5 Picks from the Stampin’ Up! Clearance Rack

My Top 5 Picks From the Stampin’ Up! Clearance Rack Take a look at my top 5 picks from the Stampin’ Up! Clearance Rack.  New items were added today from the 2015 Holiday Catalog.  Be sure to order the items right away, because once they sell out, they are gone for […]

top 5 picks from the stampin up clearance rack

Bookmark Card Template and Tutorial

Bookmark Card Template and Tutorial My last post was full of pictures of a bookmark card that I created several years ago.  Today’s post includes the bookmark card template and tutorial.  Even though it’s Template Tuesday, I’m providing the template to all of my readers today, not just my email […]

Bookmark Card

Bookmark Card I created the custom template for this fun bookmark card almost ten years ago.  Over the years, I have played around with different versions of it (like the one HERE, which uses the Sprinkles of Life Stamp Set.)  I usually make cards are projects that are bold and […]

bookmark card

duke blue devils greeting cards

March Madness Megaphone Template

March Madness Megaphone Template It’s time for March Madness so I thought now would be the perfect time to send you my March Madness Megaphone Template for Template Tuesday. You can see that I’m a Duke Blue Devil fan! (“Duke Blue Devils” and the Black “D” are Registered Trademarks of Duke […]

Make a Paper Purse!

Make a Paper Purse Be sure to sign up for my free Template Tuesday Newsletter so you can receive the template to make this fun paper purse!  In the video below, you’ll see just how easy it is to print the PDF and assemble the pieces.  It literally takes about ten […]

Tin of Cards Project Kit

Tin of Cards Project Kit It’s March…already!  I’m already thinking ahead to Mother’s Day!  I’m going to be making a bunch of the Tin of Cards Project Kits to give to the special women in my life.  Luckily for me AND FOR YOU, the wonderful Tin of Cards Project Kit […]